Home Studies

Home Studies was the winner of the 2013 Many Voices Award from New Rivers Press and a finalist for the 2016 Minnesota Book Award. These prose poems portray queer midwestern family life and illuminate the struggles and celebrations of adoptive parenting, love over time, and finding one's place in a community.

"Home Studies is filled with insight and revelation. A wonderful first book!"     

      - Louis Jenkins, Tin Flag: New and Selected Prose Poems

"From beginning to end, Julie Gard’s new collection trades in empathy. . . [It is] a series of fifty-nine linked prose poems, or snapshots, that delineate the everyday. . . We might go so far as to call this a post-Adrienne Rich collection, less a call to arms than an invitation to climb into the quotidian trenches and live for a while."

     - Lance Larsen, What the Body Knows
"Julie Gard’s Home Studies is a stunning collection of brave, tender, audacious prose poems about everyday life in the Upper Midwest. Indeed the region’s weather and architecture are major characters in these dispatches about lesbian partnership, motherhood, students, neighbors, aging parents and housework and yard maintenance. . . These poems sing with resilience and wit. Home Studies invites us to experience the sacredness in daily life."     
     - Valerie Miner, Bread and Salt

Read a review at mnartists.org.

Buy the book at Zenith Bookstore or Amazon.